Guest Somm: Vinodhan Veloo 🍷

Jun 1, 2021

If you believe in what the Romans poetically described as nomen est omen, or what we now somewhat clunkily refer to as nominative determinsim, Vino was destined to do what he does.

The head sommelier of Cloudstreet, and all-around great guy, is the author of what is arguably Singapore's most interesting wine list. Now in our inaugural guest somm post he shares his top three wines from the Adriatic.

Pick #1: 2017 Toreta Pošip Sur Lie

The Pošip grape variety is the first Croatian grape variety I had ever come across in my reading (besides Zinfandel of course – that has its origins in Croatia, though I only learnt about this later). My curiosity however was especially piqued when I had read how its flavors were described instead as a feeling of ‘friškina’, a local word for a sense of freshness deriving from the sea. The Toreta Pošip Sur Lie combines this freshness with savory complexity and texture from its extended lees ageing, giving a wine that complements seafood just perfectly.

Pick #2: 2018 Ahearne Wild Skins

Orange wines may come in many different shades and flavors, but Jo Ahearne makes my favorite one of them all. The Ahearne Wild Skins has the longest skin maceration time of any orange wine I’ve ever worked with, with a beautiful briny minerality, olive and tangerine flavors and a fresh acidity. Only a Master of Wine would be able to so masterfully put something this unique together, and at the same time bringing some well-needed attention to the local varieties of Hvar and Korčula.

Pick #3: 2015 Zlatan Organic Zinfandel

Zinfandel, though synonymous with Californian wine, has its roots in Croatia where it originally is from. Kudos to the Americans for shining the light on this variety, producing the juiciest wines in the world with great appeal. The Zlatan Organic Zinfandel however takes the old-world approach with more restraint on the fruit intensity and more focus on its meatier and spice driven flavors. An intellectual wine from one of the top wineries in Croatia, this is a Zin to beat.

Try Vino's selections

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